Friday, February 5, 2010

Nora's little attitude

It has been quite a while since we last posted. Our hope was to get as many Christmas pics as possible, but we decided to video tape the events instead, which was probably a better idea since our camera is a little dated. Aaron has been taking quite a few pictures with his iPhone, and this is one of Nora's moody days. She has definitely shown us this attitude from time to time when things don't go exactly her way. And if we start laughing (sometimes it is difficult to hold back) she looks at us with this expression and says, "it's not funny!"
Oh, the life of a toddler. It must get frustrating sometimes.


Charlie and Kara said...

Cute pigtails! Her hair is getting so long. Sounds like we are both going through a lot of the same! It's a good thing they are so cute, right?

Charlie and Kara said...

Cute pigtails! Her hair is getting so long. Sounds like we are both going through a lot of the same! It's a good thing they are so cute, right?