Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Well, I have officially decided to embark on a blog transformation/transition. Instead of using this primarily for photos of the girls, I've chosen to widen the scope of the experience through meanderings of reflections and family events. My hope is to capture the essence of our home as well as what we explore together throughout our days as a family. I don't think anyone even reads this anymore, which will allow me to explore all the possibilities for a blog.

Our most recent addition to our family is a new Hurom juicer. Aaron has been experiencing all sorts of digestive issues, so in order to better aid his recovery and healing, we decided to make the investment and begin juicing together as a family. So far the results are invigorating.:) Beet sunrise in the morning and a celery, broccoli stalk combination with a squeeze of lemon before dinner. Here is a recent pic from the other evening. More to come:)!

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